About Polynesian All-Star Stoles

Talofa Lava! I am delighted that you discovered my small space on the Internet

Welcome to Polynesian All-Star Stoles (P.A.S.S), a heartfelt venture that finds its roots in a deeply personal journey, weaving together tradition, family, and cherished memories.

It all began when my firstborn was on the verge of high school graduation in the class of 2023. As I sought a stole for my son, fate led me to Rina @sageandbros.co on Instagram, which captivated me with her unique creations. I placed a special order for my son's stole and requested something significant – my brother Faiilagi's picture. A mentor to my son, my brother, left us in November 2020 due to a brain tumor. My son longed for a way to keep his uncle close during this pivotal moment, igniting a spark within me when the stole arrived.

This stole became more than an accessory. It was a tribute to a loved one absent on this momentous day. It's this sentiment that fuels my journey at Polynesian All-Star Stoles. Each stole crafted within my workshop represents a connection to those who can't physically witness these milestones, elevating our culture and embracing our roots.

My business is dedicated to my brother, Faiilagi Saili, whose life was cut short by a malignant Astrocytoma brain tumor. November 30th, 2020, holds the weight of both his passing and his birthday – he would have turned 48 this year. This profound connection led me to launch my business on November 30th, 2023, as a tribute to his legacy and impact on our lives.

My mission here at P.A.S.S is clear - embrace legacies, honor your loved ones, and recognize the remarkable journey that has brought you to this significant moment.

Thank you for being a part of my story and for allowing me to keep the spirits of your loved ones alive through my creations.

~Nu Faiilagi Tanoa
Founder, Polynesian All-Star Stoles